The system allows you to register for FS sessions for today and you can mark OUT
if you are not skating in a session that you previously registered for.

The system will list FS sessions for today, and after 5:00pm it will also list sessions for tomorrow.
Click IN for each session you want to register for, then click Submit.
The system will register you for the sessions and deduct from your FS funds on hold the price of the sessions.
Wait 5 minutes and the registered sessions will be on the top when you log back in.
Up to 10 minutes after the session starts, you can click OUT for that session and
the system will void your registration and put back in your FS funds on hold the price of the sessions.
10 minutes after a session starts it will no longer display on the screen.
When your FS funds account goes negative, we will charge the card on file.
There is a $2 discount per session if the online registration program is used.
There is a $2 fee to void a session at the front desk if registered online.
If you are on the ice and not registered for a session you will be charged an additional $5 not pre-registered fee.

To use the system you need to set up a FS Funds on hold account and get a username and password.

Step 1: Setting up your FS funds on hold account
We will charge your credit card a set amount every time your FS funds on hold account goes negative.
For your security the credit card information is kept by the credit card company and is not on our computer systems.

To set up the new cc follow these instructions:
Go to
Click on Freestyle sessions
Click on Create a Freestyle deposit on hold account and complete the credit card charge information.
The amount will be deposited in your FS funds on hold account.

We will then use this cc for future payments.
If you ever want to change your credit card, follow this step with the new credit card number.

Step 2: Setup your login and password
After you have set up the FS funds on hold account our skating director will contact you to approve
your freestyle session privileges and we will email you your login instructions

For skaters it is the first 3 letters of the skaters first name followed by 3 numbers.
For coaches it is the first 3 letters of the coaches first name followed by C then 2 numbers.
The username is not case sensitive, the password is.

After you receive the email with your username and password follow these instructions:
Go to
Click on Freestyle Sessions
Click on the Freestyle Login Screen purple box in the top left.
Enter your username and leave the password blank and click Login.
Enter your password (it can be anything) and click submit.
Wait 5 minutes.
Click the Freestyle Login Screen purple box and enter the username and password.
You will see all of the FS sessions for today.
Follow the information at the top to click IN or OUT for sessions.
If you click Keep me logged in on the entry screen, you will not need a password the next time you log in.

Email with any problems using the system.

Thank you for skating with us and we hope you find the new system easier and faster then filling out the paperwork at the front desk.

Freestyle Discount Schedule
As a thank you to all of our skaters who skate multiple freestyle sessions we will be offering the following discounts:
3 sessions, $.50 per session
4 sessions, $1.00 per session
5 or more sessions, $1.50 per session

Online registration Freestyle sessions are counted.
Online registration on ice class sessions are not counted.
Off ice sessions are not counted.

This page was last updated on Monday, August 19, 2024